RiLPivirine RLP

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Correlated Genos/Phenos Subsets.

RiLPivirine / RLP / R overview.

Remark: Some data relate to Subset#1 (Free) used as an example (1 out of 25). You can access an INFO file with Raw data to analyse and complete the picture. Click HERE.

If you want to catch the Subset#1  Dataset (or even more) Click HERE. 

I. G/Ps Content and Clades Prevalance.

II. Drug Resistance accross G/Ps.

NGYX I.C. Comment(s):  Unlike ETR, RLP has a little bit more Phenotypic results (various sources) relatively outside the Dynamic Range of the test. but it is still acceptable. Also here again it would have been even more interesting to listen to me and add 2-3 measurements and reduce a little bit the dilution factor (and here extend a little bit both sides).

III. Additional Remarks.

A. ETR is rated at 95% on the NGYX I.C.Scale of Drug Resistance Interest (DRI). This means that each couple of G/P is valuable maximally for 0.95 Euros. If you want to know more about DRI Click HERE.

B. Combining subsets will impact the number of variables (mutations / clades) that NGIX I.C. classify as "ACCEPTED". T0 know more about this Click HERE.

NGYX I.C. details / Coordinates.

Company N°: BE 0537.471.159

Postal Adress:  NGYX I.C. (P. LECOCQ ),rue des Hausseurs 10, B-4550 Nandrin, BELGIUM. Email:  Info@NGYX.EU              Tel. / GSM: +32 498 532496 IBAN: BE63 7506 5746 0708 BIC: AXABBE22

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